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How to Optimize Your Website User Experience for Your Customers

Your business is so much more than simply a brick and mortar location. In fact, in today’s world, you don’t even need a physical location to succeed (in some cases). That’s because even if you sell tangible products, it’s a digital world. A potential customer may look up your address to get directions to your store. They might read reviews to see if other customers have had a positive review.

Most of all, a potential customer often will look at your website before making a purchase. So your website has to offer a user-friendly experience for all those who visit. Check out these tips to ensure your website’s digital presence meets the needs of both your new and existing customers. Follow a Hierarchy If you aren’t familiar with design tactics, you may see a page and think to yourself, “Wow, this was easy to understand and follow!” The truth is, there’s a method to the madness. When a website or landing page is designed well, you may not even realize the steps that went into making it happen. Every website page should follow a hierarchy with headlines, images, body copy and calls to action. The most important information should always be at the top of your page. In a printed piece, you should have the most important information “above the fold.” Online, you’ll want the most important information “above the scroll.” Ensure that larger headlines and prominent images help draw the viewer’s gaze down the page from the most important information at the top to supplemental information underneath. Make Your Call to Action Obvious What is it that you most want your audience to do? Make sure that when visiting your website, your customers know exactly what you want them to do. Some popular calls to action include:

  • Adding something to cart/shopping

  • Fill out a form to get in touch

  • Go to a specific page to learn more about a product/solution

  • Subscribe to an email newsletter/list

  • Download a resource

Decide what most makes sense for your website audience and what you hope they do next. Then, use a callout button or box to ensure it’s evident what action you hope the audience will take. Keep the Copy Simple Attention spans are dwindling, and a large block of text will likely result in your website audience jumping ship. Instead, break up your text into sections that make sense. Utilize headlines and subheads to stand out. Use bullets where possible. Most of all, make sure your copy is succinct and to the point. Ensure Mobile Optimization What is designed on a desktop computer doesn’t necessarily mean it will look good on a phone or tablet. We’ve all been there—you try to open up a website page on your phone, and it doesn’t automatically fit the size of your screen. This results in frustration, confusion and potentially a lost audience member. Consider what aspects of your website pages make sense on a larger device and what might be eliminated for a smaller screen. The key is to ensure your web pages automatically scale to fit whatever size screen your audience is using to view your website. Simply having a digital presence is no longer enough to succeed. You have to make sure your website is current, it looks great and most of all, it is optimized to get your audience to do what you are asking them to do. Consider the needs of your audience when designing your website, and what they might expect to see, and you’ll be setting your business up for success!

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